In no particular order, in honor of Rizzo's 4th Birthday 7/4/2011, here are his greatest hits!
1. Emily and I pick Rizzo out. 1 of 9 kittens, the absolute runt... and one of the last 2 cats left. The other kitten someone had already tried to adopt, Rizzo was the last choice, but i bet the other cats are all not half as awesome.
2. While singing 'happy birthday' to Emily, Rizzo meows 'meow meow' right before I could sing the last 'to you.' No other moment in my life have I ever wanted on film so badly.
3. Rizzo shows his true colors, at only 6 weeks old I made myself a waffle with peanut butter and set it down on the floor to eat, and went back for a glass of water. I returned to see Rizzo dragging it backwards in his mouth, halfway across the room.
4. Rizzo crawls up next to me while I watch TV, and drops his mouse toy. I pick it up, and toss it. He brings it back... repeatedly. The first of many games of fetch.
5. Rizzo gets trapped between the two front doors of the house, I don't realize it for a solid 10 minutes. Not enough room for him to turn his body and scratch the door to be let in. Finally, while I'm eating and wondering why he isn't bothering me, I check the door. He walks in, looks me straight in the yes and yells 'MEOW' as loud as he can, then walks away slowly.
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