
Famous: All about Bradley

Hello everyone, It's me Bradley. I am posting with some very honest news. I have been doing hours of research, and found the top two ways to create a famous blog.

1. Make sure to post your secrets. Here is one of mine: For the longest time my work performance has suffered because I've spent all day trying to find ways to teach my sweet bald cats to type as I dictate. I have tried to teach them on multiple occassions. I could finally blog from the bath!

Have I been successful? See picture. Rizzo, Laughter Out Loud!

2. To become famous like Snooki or Michael Jackson you need to talk about yourself. Well, I plan to! So here's your assignment, Bradleyteers: COMMENT the question(s) you have for Bradley! I'll address them in a future Blog.

I love you,

p.s. what if cats played harmonicas!?!?!?


  1. Hey Bradley... love the new cat pic* I could just put your little Rizzo in my pocket and call him my BFF :)
    ~Here is my question: If you could train your cats to say one word and one word only what do you think it would be?

  2. Hi Bradley, long-time reader here. Hmm just one question? I guess I'd have to say, what is your favorite yogurt?

  3. Bradley, I have a nagging question. Which do you love more: Patriotism or the American way? (I would throw kittens into the mix but that wouldn't be fair to the old US of A ROFL!)

    p.s. doesn't Rizzo know that cats HATE water? What a little darling! (but make sure the water is warm enough i would hate for him to get the sniffles)

  4. Is English your first language? Or is it KITTENESE??!! Ha ha! (lol).

  5. Stay tuned for a future post by me, Bradley, that will take some of these questions on once and for all!

    P.s. I'll answer one now. Maybe cats hate water, but Rizzo isn't a cat he's an angel! Just kidding he's a cat but will be an angel someday.

    I love you,

  6. Bradley!! I know a question!! How do u pick the names for your cats?

  7. Great question, I am touched that you asked. First I think about a favorite childhood movie, then I pick a character that exemplifies the spirit of that particular kitten. Then I kiss the kitten once on each cheek, and whisper the name once in each ear.

    I love you,
